GraphAware Blog - LLMs

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

LLMs for Knowledge Graph 3: Challenges and Opportunities for GPT in KGs

LLMs for Knowledge Graph 3: Challenges and Opportunities for GPT in KGs

17 Jan 2024 by Alessia Melania Lonoce & Giuseppe Futia · 19 min read Knowledge Graph Large Language Models LLMs NLP Rockefeller Archive Center Knowledge Management Data Management LLMs for Knowledge Graph

Welcome to our LLMs and Knowledge Graphs Series. In this collection of blogs, we embark on a journey at the intersection of cutting-edge large language models and graph-based intelligence. Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist, a curious developer, or a business leader seeking actionable insights, this series promises to demystify the synergy between LLMs and knowledge graphs.

GraphAware at Nodes 2023: Neo4j's biggest online conference

GraphAware at Nodes 2023: Neo4j's biggest online conference

23 Nov 2023 by · 2 min read LLM LLMs LLM tutorial entity resolution graph analytics knowledge graph dependency graph APIs AI criminal intelligence fraud financial crime data science database machine learning

Last month, GraphAware data scientists attended Nodes 2023 – a 24-hour online graph community gathering dedicated to learning how to integrate graph technologies into ML and dev projects. The hot topics this year were: