
Videos, Slides, Case Studies and other GraphAware related resources

Cypher: Write Fast and Furious

08 Jun 2017 videos

Ever struggle with writes performance in Cypher? This Lightning talk is for you! In only 15 minutes, Christophe will show you some tips and tricks for making your Cypher write transactions as fast as possible.

The power of polyglot searching

02 Jun 2017 videos

In the previous years we have got the Polyglot Persistence. This is a fancy term which means that when storing data, it is best to use multiple data storage technologies, chosen based upon the way data is being used by. If we have multiple persistence, then sometimes we need polyglot operations. One of the most popular use case in Big Data is searching. Almost all websites provide a search function to their users, to be able to find what they are looking for. Usually it is an Apache Lucene based solution, like Elasticsearch or Solr. I will show you how to enrich this kind of searching with the power of graph based searches, and implement a polyglot search functionality, where the results are based on the cooperation of a search engine and a graph based real time recommendation.

Mining and Searching text with Graph Databases

02 Jun 2017 videos

A great part of the world’s knowledge is stored using text in natural language, but using it in an effective way is still a major challenge. Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques provide the basis for harnessing this huge amount of data and converting it into a useful source of knowledge for further processing. It uses computer science, artificial intelligence and formal linguistics concepts to analyze natural language, aiming at deriving meaningful and useful information from text.

Empowering Github Social with Neo4j

02 Jun 2017 videos

With more than 9 million users and 21 million repositories, Github is the world’s biggest code sharing platform. Its API offers a window to the public activity of about 600.000 events a day. In this talk you will discover how this amount of user activities transformed in a suitable graph can become a new source of knowledge.

What’s New in Spring Data Neo4j

12 Apr 2017 videos

Vince Bickers, Principal Consultant, GraphAware, contributor to Spring Data Neo4j:Learn about the latest version (v4) of Spring Data Neo4j (SDN). Neo4j is the world’s leading graph database, a scalable, open-source NoSQL solution for your data relationships. Spring Data offers convenient APIs for Spring Developers to build modern applications using new data stores. It supports object-mapping, DAO repositories and consistent access to underlying database APIs.