GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Growing Interest in Graph Technology Among the Security Community

Growing Interest in Graph Technology Among the Security Community

25 Jun 2024 by · 2 min read Hume GraphAware Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement

We had an illuminating time at the ISS Europe conference in Prague 2024. We connected with numerous new prospects from various countries, all recognising the necessity of graph-based criminal analysis. The feedback was clear: while this approach was a novelty two years ago, it has now become a hot topic, with GraphAware Hume leading the charge thanks to our established references in law enforcement and intelligence.

Improving Different Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Investigation Types With Graph Technology

Improving Different Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Investigation Types With Graph Technology

24 Jun 2024 by · 5 min read Hume GraphAware Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Investigation

Welcome back to our blog series on unlocking the complex world of ultimate beneficial ownership (UBO) investigations using the power of graph technology. We’ll delve into the various types of investigations that can be conducted with the aid of graph analysis, showcasing the agility, speed, and capability facilitated by tools like GraphAware Hume, our graph analytics platform.

Unlocking Complex UBO Investigations with Graph Analytics

Unlocking Complex UBO Investigations with Graph Analytics

27 May 2024 by · 3 min read Hume GraphAware Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Investigation

In today’s intricate financial landscape, uncovering Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) is more crucial than ever. UBO analysis involves diving into the intricate web of ownership structures, often extending through multiple levels and involving numerous entities. Picture a scenario where a person owns a company, which in turn owns two other companies, and each of those owns two more. Add to this mix various trusts and assets linked to the beneficial ownership, and you have a complex ownership chain or tree. The ultimate goal of UBO analysis is to pinpoint who truly owns these assets and businesses hidden within these labyrinthine...

Neo4j Testcontainers - Everything You Need to Know

Neo4j Testcontainers - Everything You Need to Know

23 Feb 2024 by Sergio De Lorenzis · 13 min read Hume GraphAware Knowledge Graph Search Neo4j

Automated tests have become crucial in the field of software engineering in the last few years, even more than in the past. In fact, automated testing is now part of the Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process, so tests may run in different shapes and environments throughout the development of software artefacts.While Unit Tests can be executed by taking apart a core component or class, by mocking every external dependency (DB included), Integration Tests and End-to-End tests require at least one real external component, in order to be as realistic as possible.