What’s new in Hume 2.19?

June 20, 2023 · 3 min read

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.19. This release introduces new features for Hume Core and Orchestra. Hume 2.19 focuses on enabling big schema usage and introduces new capabilities for advanced pattern search.

GraphAware Hume is an intelligence analysis solution. It represents your world as a network of interconnected entities, builds a single view of your siloed intelligence holdings, and brings powerful, user-friendly, machine-assisted link analysis capabilities to end users.

Hume 2.19 introduces:

  • New Advanced Expand Features which Enable Advanced Graph Pattern Search
  • Improved User Experience and Performance When Working with Complex Schemas.
  • Expanded Pause/Resume Capabilities in Orchestra.
  • Export of a Specific Workflow Version in Orchestra.
  • Hume REST API is out of beta.

New Advanced Expand Features

Hume 2.19 introduces an even stronger Advanced Expand which allows you to create more complex patterns, or patterns where some parts are unknown or you are unsure that they exist. Some of the highlights to Advanced Expand include:

  • The new Generate Preview feature gives you fast access to your results, allowing you to quickly go back and refine your pattern in an iterative way without having to Expand to Graph. In the preview, it is possible to open item details to ensure you have found exactly what you were looking for with your pattern.
  • The “Add Connected Class” feature allows you to create a pattern without having to specify a relationship type, allowing you to find neighbouring connected items even when you don’t know how they are connected.
  • You can now mark a branch in your pattern as optional. If you are uncertain about a part of the pattern, optional branches allow you to find results even if that part of the pattern does not exist in the database.
  • The case insensitive and token based Like operator allows you to use attribute filters without knowing the exact value as it appears in the database. The Like operator in Filters gives you the same power of the operator in the search bar.

Improved User Experience and Performance When Working With Complex Schemas

This release brings numerous performance and UI improvements making Hume easier than ever to work with when you have a complex schema. With these improvements, it is possible to create even larger visualisations with a better UX experience. Among the changes, 2.19 introduces:

  • Improved neighbourhood statistics performance and faster loading schemas.
  • Greater control over your visualisation’s performance with configurable statistics timeouts.
  • The ability to reload the selected items data in the visualisation on demand, and refresh their statistics calculation.
  • Support for a greater amount of attributes per class or type.
  • Perspective GraphQL API performance improvements.
  • Item multiselect in the schema.
  • Highlight mode which allows you to quickly identify how classes are connected in big, complex schemas.

Expanded Pause/Resume Capabilities in Orchestra

Pause and resume is now available for even more Orchestra components. Starting with 2.19, the following components can be paused and resumed within a workflow:

  • AWS S3
  • Azure Blobstorage
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Neo4j Readers
  • JDBC Datasource

Export of a Specific Workflow Version in Orchestra

In this release we have improved the Orchestra Workflow History feature. You can now choose which Orchestra workflow version you want to export.

Other Improvements

  • With this release, the Hume REST API is officially out of beta. The Hume REST API can be used in workflows and custom integrations, allowing you to script and control your Hume configuration programmatically.
  • Hume Orchestra now allows you to share a URL to a specific component, making it easier to troubleshoot and share with a colleague.
  • Orchestra clustering is now Zookeeperless, allowing specific deployments where communication between the Orchestra cluster nodes is not possible, such as Azure App Services.

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