GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Graphs in Law Enforcement #3 - Fused Entities

Graphs in Law Enforcement #3 - Fused Entities

14 Sep 2022 by Sanne Hendriks · 5 min read business Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement

In the first part of the series Graphs in Law Enforcement, Data sources and modelling, we discussed graphs in law enforcement investigations, their data sources, data provenance, INTs and how to model sources in graphs. In part 2, Data quality and credibility, we covered source ratings (source reliability & information credibility) and their importance in investigation graphs for law enforcement.

What’s new in Hume 2.15?

What’s new in Hume 2.15?

12 Aug 2022 by Danica Stankovic & Dimitrios Stamatis · 3 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.15. This release introduces several new Hume features, as well as Orchestra features and Amazon SQS support.

Context-aware and hybrid recommendations

Context-aware and hybrid recommendations

11 Aug 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 6 min read Beginner business Recommendations

So far, we have learned about collaborative filtering, content-based, and session-based recommendations. None of these approaches takes the situational context under consideration. Factors such as mood, occasion, location, company, etc., can affect user preferences and needs. Context-aware recommendations take these conditions into account to provide more relevant recommendations.

Deep dive to Advanced Expand

Deep dive to Advanced Expand

05 Aug 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 1 min read Hume

Advanced Expand is one of our favourite features. It allows you to explore your graph visually - without needing to write a single line of code. In this blog post, we dive a little bit deeper into this feature.

Extend Orchestra Python With Style

Extend Orchestra Python With Style

28 Jul 2022 by Fabio Montagna · 10 min read Hume Orchestration

Even a long journey starts with the first step. Making sense of all the data your company generates daily and all the external data sources you may need can definitely be a long journey. Hume Orchestra makes it easy to convert multiple distributed data sources into a single, connected source of truth: the knowledge graph.