01/10Value Understanding
Together, we asses your siloed data challenges, and evaluate if a connected data solution will meet
your requirements.
02/10Proof of Value
We demonstrate the value with a Proof-of-Concept (POC) built using a representative subset of your
data. Your analysts can experience the power of the platform, and understand the impact of adopting a
connected data solution.
03/10Setting up for Success
Next, we craft a detailed project plan together for implementation, including detailed info about sizing and
licensing. In parallel, we set-up the infrastructure and begin training.
04/10Round 1: Capability Development
After preparation, production begins. This occurs in iterative cycles. Each cycle is fast and adds
value, progressively advancing your capabilities to the next level.
05/10Data Modelling
Together, we establish how your data should be modelled to get the answers you need – for example, if a
phone call should be a node or a connection.
06/10Data Engineering
Together, we begin ingesting data into GraphAware Hume from your sources (new or existing), transforming
spreadsheets and unstructured data into a connected view of truth — ready for analysis.
07/10Hume Setup
We help you customise GraphAware Hume’s functionality to your needs — define access rights, deep dive into the
knowledge graph, and preset the most important queries with your analysts.
Your analysts now work with your connected data, getting results with a few clicks. During this phase
of advanced manual analysis, we help increase adoption across your organisation, training more users.
09/10Round 2: Automated Analysis
The more you connect and work with the data, the more your capability grows. Your analysts can begin
automating their analysis – defining patterns and setting up alerts on key entities and connections.
10/10Round 3: Predictive Power
Now, your new graph database and knowledge graph are operational, growing with each day. Analysts begin
to leverage graph data science for predictive analysis, supplying mission-critical suggestions.