Bryce Merkl Sasaki from Neo4j chatted with Christophe Willemsen, our Senior Neo4j Consultant Christophe and Bryce spoke at GraphConnect San Francisco last October.
Bryce Merkl Sasaki of Neo4j interviews Luanne Misquitta, Senior Consultant at GraphAware, during Graph Connect Europe 2016. Luanne Misquitta talks about Spring Data Neo4j 4.x, a completely rewritten version of …
The Dataportal is a data resource search engine which connects users with visualizations, tools, curated data, and metrics to do their job more effectively. It aids with data discovery, trust, …
Real-Time Recommendations with Graphs and the Future of Search: Michal Bachman, Managing Director, GraphAware. Michal talks about how they use Neo4j in combination with Elasticsearch to power real-time recommendations.
Applying the GraphAware Framework. #GraphConnect, #Neo4j, #Michal Bachman, #GraphAware, #GraphAware Framework