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  • GraphAware Hume
  • Law Enforcement

Hume Features – Graph Styling, Grouping and Computed Attributes

Hume is lauded for its ability to customise the system’s features and tasks, giving analysts the power to tailor it to their individual needs. Its impressive internal creative capabilities, in …

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  • GraphAware Hume
  • Law Enforcement

Hume Features – Temporal & Geospatial Analysis

In the realm of intelligence analysis, data often needs to be contextualised within geographic or temporal frameworks. Through Geospatial Analysis, Hume provides visibility into the locations of the data, while …

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  • Graph Technology
  • GraphAware Hume

NODES2022 – Temporal Graph Analysis

Fabio Montagna is Lead Machine Learning Engineer at GraphAware and presented Temporal Graph Analysis at NODES2022. In this session, we’ll share our experience with horizon scanning over a graph of …

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  • GraphAware Hume

Enterprise data integration to Neo4j with GraphAware Hume

Dive deeper into Hume Orchestra, our data-driven orchestration tool, with our CTO, Christophe Willemsen.

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  • GraphAware Hume
  • Law Enforcement

Tracking Data Sources of Fused Entities in Law Enforcement Graphs

Graphs are commonplace in investigative, intelligence, and law enforcement work. One of the primary advantages of a graph is to connect data from various data sources, digital and human, and …

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  • Compliance
  • GraphAware Hume

Knowledge Graphs for Regulatory Compliance with Neo4j and GraphAware Hume

GraphAware and Neo4j experts demonstrate how you can leverage knowledge graphs to help with compliance challenges.