The age of touch could soon come to an end. From smartphones and smartwatches to home devices and in-car systems, touch is no longer the primary user interface. In this …
Knowledge Graphs are becoming the de-facto solution for managing complex aggregated knowledge, and Neo4j is the leading platform for storing and querying connected data. In this talk, Christophe will describe …
Graph-based machine learning is a trend in Artificial Intelligence that is gaining popularity due to its many advantages. When using graphs as a basic representation of data for ML purposes, …
In this talk, Christophe will describe a graph-centric cognitive computing pipeline and detail the process from the ingestion of unstructured text up to the generation of a knowledge graph, queryable …
SDN is a Spring Data project for Neo4j. It uses Neo4j-OGM under the hood (very much like Spring Data JPA uses JPA) and provides functionality known from the Spring Data …
In this talk, Luanne will share insights about the business value of knowledge graphs and their contribution to relevant search in an e-commerce domain for a Neo4j customer. With text …