GraphAware Blog - Hume

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Growing Interest in Graph Technology Among the Security Community

Growing Interest in Graph Technology Among the Security Community

25 Jun 2024 by · 2 min read Hume GraphAware Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement

We had an illuminating time at the ISS Europe conference in Prague 2024. We connected with numerous new prospects from various countries, all recognising the necessity of graph-based criminal analysis. The feedback was clear: while this approach was a novelty two years ago, it has now become a hot topic, with GraphAware Hume leading the charge thanks to our established references in law enforcement and intelligence.

Improving Different Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Investigation Types With Graph Technology

Improving Different Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Investigation Types With Graph Technology

24 Jun 2024 by · 5 min read Hume GraphAware Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Investigation

Welcome back to our blog series on unlocking the complex world of ultimate beneficial ownership (UBO) investigations using the power of graph technology. We’ll delve into the various types of investigations that can be conducted with the aid of graph analysis, showcasing the agility, speed, and capability facilitated by tools like GraphAware Hume, our graph analytics platform.

Unlocking Complex UBO Investigations with Graph Analytics

Unlocking Complex UBO Investigations with Graph Analytics

27 May 2024 by · 3 min read Hume GraphAware Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Investigation

In today’s intricate financial landscape, uncovering Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) is more crucial than ever. UBO analysis involves diving into the intricate web of ownership structures, often extending through multiple levels and involving numerous entities. Picture a scenario where a person owns a company, which in turn owns two other companies, and each of those owns two more. Add to this mix various trusts and assets linked to the beneficial ownership, and you have a complex ownership chain or tree. The ultimate goal of UBO analysis is to pinpoint who truly owns these assets and businesses hidden within these labyrinthine...

Neo4j Testcontainers - Everything You Need to Know

Neo4j Testcontainers - Everything You Need to Know

23 Feb 2024 by Sergio De Lorenzis · 13 min read Hume GraphAware Knowledge Graph Search Neo4j

Automated tests have become crucial in the field of software engineering in the last few years, even more than in the past. In fact, automated testing is now part of the Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process, so tests may run in different shapes and environments throughout the development of software artefacts.While Unit Tests can be executed by taking apart a core component or class, by mocking every external dependency (DB included), Integration Tests and End-to-End tests require at least one real external component, in order to be as realistic as possible.

From Data to Knowledge: Search vs. Data Exploration

From Data to Knowledge: Search vs. Data Exploration

16 Feb 2024 by · 6 min read Hume GraphAware Knowledge Graph Search

Welcome to the third instalment in this series, which tracks the journey to revolutionise law enforcement through advanced data analysis. In this series, expect to uncover a wealth of knowledge that underpins the enhancement of policing methods using graph analytics. Join us at the vanguard of policing technology as we delve into the transformative power of Knowledge Graphs.

From Data To Knowledge: Transparency within Predictive Policing

From Data To Knowledge: Transparency within Predictive Policing

25 Jan 2024 by · 5 min read Hume Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement Predictive Policing

Welcome to the second instalment in this series, which tracks the journey to revolutionise law enforcement through advanced data analysis. In this series, expect to uncover a wealth of knowledge that underpins the enhancement of policing methods using graph analysis. Join us at the vanguard of policing technology as we delve into the transformative power of Knowledge Graphs. In the previous chapter, we illustrated the process of transitioning from isolated data silos to a holistic intelligence data system, resulting in a single source of truth.

GraphAware First to Integrate Neo4j CDC in Hume

GraphAware First to Integrate Neo4j CDC in Hume

26 Oct 2023 by · 3 min read Hume Neo4j Change Data Capture Entity resolution Graph Database

We are excited to announce a significant development in the field of graph-based analytics. We’ve teamed up with Neo4j to integrate their recently launched CDC (Change Data Capture) feature into our leading graph analytics tool, Hume. This partnership is transforming the landscape of graph technology, providing intelligence agencies and other organisations with powerful tools to unlock their mission-critical capabilities.

LLMs for Knowledge Graph 1: Text to a Knowledge Graph at Warp Speed

LLMs for Knowledge Graph 1: Text to a Knowledge Graph at Warp Speed

27 Sep 2023 by Vlasta Kůs · 17 min read Hume Law Enforcement NLP LLMs for Knowledge Graph

Welcome to our LLMs and Knowledge Graphs Series. In this collection of blogs, we embark on a journey at the intersection of cutting-edge large language models and graph-based intelligence. Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist, a curious developer, or a business leader seeking actionable insights, this series promises to demystify the synergy between LLMs and knowledge graphs.

What’s new in Hume 2.20?

What’s new in Hume 2.20?

11 Sep 2023 by Danica Stankovic · 4 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.20. This release introduces new features for Hume Core and Orchestra. Hume 2.20 introduces new features in Actions, improvements for Advanced Expand, and more.

Hume & Knowledge Graphs Streamline Tax Office Investigations

Hume & Knowledge Graphs Streamline Tax Office Investigations

18 Jul 2023 by Pantelis Krasadakis · 5 min read Hume Knowledge Graph Finance

Tax fraud poses a significant challenge for governments and organisations worldwide, resulting in revenue loss, economic instability, and erosion of public trust. Traditional methods of combating tax fraud often fall short due to fraudulent schemes’ complex and constantly evolving nature. These schemes often involve complex networks of entities, transactions, and false documentation, which Relational databases struggle to handle.

What’s new in Hume 2.19?

What’s new in Hume 2.19?

20 Jun 2023 by Danica Stankovic · 3 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.19. This release introduces new features for Hume Core and Orchestra. Hume 2.19 focuses on enabling big schema usage and introduces new capabilities for advanced pattern search.

What’s new in Hume 2.18?

What’s new in Hume 2.18?

18 Apr 2023 by Danica Stankovic · 4 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.18. This release introduces new features for Hume Core, Annotate and Orchestra. Hume 2.18 builds on features such as Graph Editing and Hume Filters which were introduced in Hume version 2.17.

Solving Crimes with Geospatial and Temporal Analysis in Hume

Solving Crimes with Geospatial and Temporal Analysis in Hume

28 Feb 2023 by Sanne Hendriks · 4 min read Hume GraphAware Law Enforcement Criminal Intelligence

As an analyst, you play a crucial role in solving crimes. Harnessing the power of graphs and the many features of GraphAware Hume can help stop criminals and bring justice to their victims. With the increasing advancements in technology, it is now easier than ever to track suspects and gather evidence that can aid in an investigation. One of the most powerful tools available to you is the capability of performing geospatial and temporal analysis.

Network Analysis in Criminal Intelligence

Network Analysis in Criminal Intelligence

10 Feb 2023 by Ondrej Peterka · 2 min read Hume Criminal Intelligence Law Enforcement Network Analysis

Networks are all around us, both locally and globally, and are becoming increasingly complex. The prevalence of networks has led to the widespread use of network analysis tools. While criminal network analysis is still a novel concept, there has been a growing interest in recent years as law enforcement agencies adopt cutting-edge graph-based tools to solve crimes.Graph network analysis are an underutilised intelligence toolGraphs can provide valuable insights for intelligence analysts. They allow for a graph visualization of relationships between individuals and groups, the detection of criminal patterns, and early identification of potential threats.

Gaining Maritime Security Through Graph-Based Situational Awareness

Gaining Maritime Security Through Graph-Based Situational Awareness

15 Dec 2022 by Christophe Willemsen · 3 min read Hume Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement

Maritime piracy is one of the most serious threats to international trade and security. To combat piracy and ensure the safety of vessels, analysts and operators must have a thorough understanding of the real-time situation. Situational awareness (SA) is an important concept for those tasked with combating maritime piracy. It refers to the ability to understand the environment around a vessel and its crew, as well as the ability to recognize and respond to potential threats. This is an especially important skill for analysts looking to identify pirate activity and take action against it.

Solving the challenges of intelligence analysis with graphs

Solving the challenges of intelligence analysis with graphs

10 Nov 2022 by Dan Newland & Sanne Hendriks · 6 min read Hume Knowledge Graph Law Enforcement

Ranging across all the varied fields of intelligence, there is an ever-advancing process to enhance and optimise data analysis. For such mission-critical events, graph technology has emerged as an exceptional solution for all stages of the intelligence lifecycle, ensuring the absolute fastest and best results.A graph analytics solution like Hume provides a simple-to-use interface that allows intelligence analysts to search, visualise and analyse intelligence graphs. The most common intelligence analysis questions are graph-based. For instance, “How are person X and person Y connected?” or “Who are the most influential individuals within a criminal organisation?”.

Graph-based alerting. What is it, and why do you need it?

Graph-based alerting. What is it, and why do you need it?

19 Oct 2022 by Dan Newland · 6 min read Hume business Knowledge Graph

The modernisation of data platforms and the ever-growing availability of data mean that analysts need tools that highlight the information they need to know and when they need to know it. Alerting has become a core feature in many case management and intelligence applications, helping intelligence analysts and investigators keep on top of the changing information landscape for their entities of interest.

What’s new in Hume 2.16?

What’s new in Hume 2.16?

11 Oct 2022 by Danica Stankovic · 3 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.16. This release introduces several new Hume features, as well as Orchestra features, and new components.

What’s new in Hume 2.15?

What’s new in Hume 2.15?

12 Aug 2022 by Danica Stankovic & Dimitrios Stamatis · 3 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.15. This release introduces several new Hume features, as well as Orchestra features and Amazon SQS support.

Deep dive to Advanced Expand

Deep dive to Advanced Expand

05 Aug 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 1 min read Hume

Advanced Expand is one of our favourite features. It allows you to explore your graph visually - without needing to write a single line of code. In this blog post, we dive a little bit deeper into this feature.

Extend Orchestra Python With Style

Extend Orchestra Python With Style

28 Jul 2022 by Fabio Montagna · 10 min read Hume Orchestration

Even a long journey starts with the first step. Making sense of all the data your company generates daily and all the external data sources you may need can definitely be a long journey. Hume Orchestra makes it easy to convert multiple distributed data sources into a single, connected source of truth: the knowledge graph.

What’s new in Hume 2.14?

What’s new in Hume 2.14?

26 Jul 2022 by Danica Stankovic & Dimitrios Stamatis · 4 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.14. This release introduces the first iteration of the new federated search functionality and the Hume API. We also made various improvements to Hume Orchestra and Visualisations.

Optimise Logistics Chains with Graphs and Hume

Optimise Logistics Chains with Graphs and Hume

14 Apr 2022 by Federica Ventruto · 11 min read Hume

Everyone has a favourite grocery shop they usually go to, maybe the shop close to home, the one with the most competitive prices, the freshest fruit, or simply the best cake. Similarly, everyone may be inclined to buy from one particular e-commerce platform rather than another.

AML webinar highlights

AML webinar highlights

15 Mar 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 2 min read Hume Events GraphAware

Last week we at GraphAware hosted yet another webinar. This time we talked about Money Laundering and how Hume can help you detect money laundering activities. Don’t worry if you missed it; here is your summary of what we covered.

Building & exploring a music knowledge graph

Building & exploring a music knowledge graph

02 Feb 2022 by Federica Ventruto, Grzegorz Aniol · 17 min read GraphAware Knowledge Graph Hume Engineering

It is always a valuable opportunity to understand our product better and recognize user needs. At GraphAware, building Hume, a graph-powered insight engine, we are proud of making an impact on our customers’ success. However, we use Hume also to support our processes and help our own needs. In the case of the event that took place throughout December, we were also able to have great fun and integrate the team.

Hume 2.11 webinar highlights

Hume 2.11 webinar highlights

31 Jan 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 2 min read Hume Event GraphAware

Last week, I had the pleasure of hosting a webinar with our Director of Product, Esther Bergmark, and our CTO, Christophe Willemsen. This webinar introduced our new release Hume 2.11, so we covered the most exciting features of the release, including no-code graph navigation, custom visibility of Actions in Perspectives, and Perspective API. The 2.11 version comes with more updates and advancements such as Configuration as Code and ​​Polygons in Geospatial Analysis - about which you can read in our release blog.

What’s new in Hume 2.11: No-code graph navigation, tailored Action access, Configuration-as-Code, a GraphQL API and much more!

What’s new in Hume 2.11: No-code graph navigation, tailored Action access, Configuration-as-Code, a GraphQL API and much more!

20 Jan 2022 by Esther Bergmark · 3 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the 2.11 release of Hume. Advanced Expand is introduced to Hume with this release, which lets users create complex queries to navigate the graph without using Cypher. Additionally, the visibility of Actions can now be defined per Perspectives, enabling a tailored exploration experience; a GraphQL API exposes data from Perspectives so that other apps can leverage the power of Hume. And finally, Configuration-as-Code allows administrators to manage Hume configuration files in a repository.

Discovering the power of Actions

Discovering the power of Actions

13 Jan 2022 by Esther Bergmark · 5 min read Hume

About a year ago, I first logged into Hume - in the morning, I had started my new job at GraphAware, and a few hours later, I had a canvas in front of me with a few person nodes connected by relationships. Hume Visualisation. The graph: a murder mystery. Me: a newbie, never typed a line of code in any query language.

Hume for Fraud Detection webinar highlights

Hume for Fraud Detection webinar highlights

08 Dec 2021 by Alexandra Klacanova · 2 min read Hume Events Finance

Just a couple of days ago, we hosted a Fraud Detection webinar. We chose to focus on credit card fraud to illustrate how Hume can help detect fraud faster. Our Director of Product, Esther Bergmark walked you through an example of a credit card company investigator looking into suspicious, fraudulent developments. Let me share what we covered at the webinar.

5 things you should know about Knowledge Graphs

5 things you should know about Knowledge Graphs

14 Oct 2021 by Alexandra Klacanova · 9 min read Knowledge Graph Beginner Hume business

Welcome to the first blog in the business series of GraphAware blog! This series is designed for us non-techies out there. Personally, I was shocked when I found out how big and common knowledge graphs are and how often graph databases are used in today's world - and I had first heard of them just a couple of months ago. So, for people like me, for marketers and non-tech people in business, I'll try to open the door to the world of graphs, and their potential and take you through it step-by-step. It seems only appropriate that we start with...

Knowledge Graph Perspectives: building bridges from RDF to LPG

Knowledge Graph Perspectives: building bridges from RDF to LPG

23 Sep 2021 by Giuseppe Futia · 8 min read Knowledge Graph Hume

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have become one of the most powerful tools for modeling the relations between entities in various fields, from biotech to e-commerce, from intelligence and law enforcement to fintech. Starting from the first version proposed by Google in 2012, the capabilities of modern KGs have been employed across diverse applications, including search engines, chatbots, and recommendation systems.

How does graph-based recommendation work

How does graph-based recommendation work

18 Aug 2021 by Alexandra Klacanova · 4 min read Hume Recommendations

Not so long ago, our very own Luanne gave an amazing talk titled Maltaware: Discovering what to drink with Neo4j on Nodes2020. Luanne demonstrated the value of graphs, and why they are the perfect fit for recommendation engines with an example of a whisky recommendation engine. Let me quickly walk you through a summary of why graphs and recommendation engines go together so well.

What’s life like at GraphAware? Here’s everything you need to know

What’s life like at GraphAware? Here’s everything you need to know

12 Aug 2021 by Veronika Srncova · 6 min read GraphAware Hume People Experience

GraphAware is now going through an extremely exciting phase. In 2020, we launched our own amazing product Hume, the only graph-powered insights engine in the world, which helps companies shed light on their complex data and make smart decisions. Since then, we have been rapidly growing in all aspects. Our ambitious plans will need plenty of talented people, who want to have a direct impact on a company’s success. Right now, we are already advertising for multiple vacancies, and the number will only grow in the coming months (check out our career page if you are already intrigued).

Neo4j’s funding validates Hume market

Neo4j’s funding validates Hume market

24 Jun 2021 by Michal Bachman · 1 min read Hume Neo4j

When we started our journey with Neo4j over ten years ago, we were just a bunch of passionate techies trying to convince the world about the power of graphs. We were blogging, running meetups, writing open-source code, speaking at conferences, trying to preach graphs to a like-minded crowd.

From GraphAware Framework to GraphAware Hume

From GraphAware Framework to GraphAware Hume

06 May 2021 by Michal Bachman · 8 min read Hume GraphAware Neo4j

It has been over 8 years since I’ve written the first lines of code for the GraphAware Neo4j Framework as part of my MSc. thesis. That’s when the name GraphAware, as well as the (then) one-man show Neo4j consulting company was born. It is therefore my bittersweet duty to take you on a small trip down the memory laneand announce that we have decided to discontinue the development and support of the Framework and all of its modules.

Hume Orchestra Monitoring

Hume Orchestra Monitoring

12 Feb 2021 by Andrea Evangelista · 6 min read Hume Monitoring Orchestration

Enterprise Integration has existed since many, many years. Although it might seem like an old set of patterns, the reality is that more and more data silos, protocols and systems have been created in recent times which increase the need for the capabilities of an Enterprise Integration platform.

Exploring The Metropolitan Art Collections with Hume #1

Exploring The Metropolitan Art Collections with Hume #1

10 Dec 2020 by Antonin Smid · 8 min read Hume Knowledge Graph

The Metropolitan Museum of Art recently published a dataset of more than 470,000 works of art under the CC-zero License. Representing such a collection as a knowledge graph allows us to explore it in a unique way - seeing the artworks, their authors, donors, mediums, tags, or art movements deeply connected, being able to traverse the links between them and discover unexpected relations.

Insightful IT Operations with Hume

Insightful IT Operations with Hume

30 Nov 2020 by Luanne Misquitta · 6 min read Hume Neo4j ITOps

Graphs are a perfect fit for IT Operations. Right from dependency management to impact analysis and capacity to outage planning, the interconnectedness of the components that make up networks and services, modelled naturally as a graph enable various teams such as support, help desk and devops to navigate potentially complex relationships.

Hume in Space: Monitoring Satellite Technology Markets with a ML-powered Knowledge Graph

Hume in Space: Monitoring Satellite Technology Markets with a ML-powered Knowledge Graph

15 Apr 2020 by Vlasta Kůs · 10 min read NLP Knowledge Graph NER Hume

Everyone has a passion for something. Be it music, politics, sports, coffee or … pancakes. Such passion makes you strive for new information, for understanding of the current trends. Take pancakes: you might watch for new recipes on your favourite website, you might look at cooking shows or youtube videos to get more inspiration about how to serve them … but overall, you can probably handle this pretty well. It’s not like there is much room for revolutionising the pancake recipe.

Contact Tracing Using GraphAware Hume (COVID-19)

Contact Tracing Using GraphAware Hume (COVID-19)

01 Apr 2020 by Michal Bachman · 1 min read Neo4j GraphAware Hume

GraphAware Hume helps governments in keeping their countries safe. In this 15-minute video, we demonstrate the use of Hume for contact tracing and smart quarantine in the context of the current coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, we will see how Hume can identify people at risk using actual and potential contact tracing, suggest who should be informed or quarantined, visually explain why someone is at risk, find quarantine offenders, and much more.

GraphAware Announces Hume Platform R&D Center

23 Jul 2019 by Kyle McNamara · 1 min read GraphAware Hume

BOSTON, July 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ – GraphAware, a leading Neo4j ISV and consulting practice, today announced the official launch of its Italian Research and Development entity Graph Aware S.r.l., headquartered in Lecce, Italy.This strategic investment by GraphAware represents a significant expansion as an ISV, with a fast growing development team of thought-leaders in GraphDBs with Neo4j, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).Led by Chief Scientist Alessandro Negro and CTO Christophe Willemsen, the Lecce R&D center is the main lab and development center for GraphAware’s flagship software platform Hume- with a dedicated local and remote development...