GraphAware Blog

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Neo4j 4: Multi tenancy

Neo4j 4: Multi tenancy

06 Feb 2020 by Luanne Misquitta · 7 min read Neo4j Cypher

Up until version 4.0, Neo4j has supported only one active database per server instance. As such, achieving multi tenancy meant that either a Neo4j instance had to be deployed per tenant, or all tenant graphs co-existed in the same database.

Neo4j 4: Post-Union Processing Explained

Neo4j 4: Post-Union Processing Explained

17 Jan 2020 by Luanne Misquitta · 9 min read Neo4j Cypher

Many, many years ago, I requested for the Cypher UNION clause in Cypher and Andres Taylor graciously added it.This was followed by the request for Post-Union Processing by Aseem Kishore, and it began to collect a whopping 99 comments over the course of time.

GRANDstack tips and tricks

GRANDstack tips and tricks

18 Nov 2019 by Michal Trnka · 11 min read Neo4j Advanced Cypher

GRANDstack tips and tricksUsing GRANDstack can rapidly accelerate the development of applications. The neo4j-graphql-js library provides the ability to translate GraphQL queries from the frontend to Cypher queries. This is achieved by defining the GraphQL schema and annotating it with a few extra directives. If you want to get familiar with the GRANDstack you can visit their documentation.

GraphAware Announces Partnership with Softlink Information Systems

11 Oct 2019 by Michal Bachman · 0 min read

BANGALORE, October 10, 2019 – Softlink Information Systems and GraphAware are pleased to announce that they have entered into a global strategic partnership, combining Softlink’s industry leading database consulting services with GraphAware, the leading Neo4j ISV and consulting practice, and the creators of Hume, a cutting-edge Graph-Powered Insights Engine.With knowledge graphs playing an increasingly critical role for enterprises to move to the next level of information analytics, companies recognize that they need to accelerate the development of knowledge graphs to ensure they remain on the competitive vanguard. The Softlink-GraphAware partnership brings together deep skills in business and technology strategy, driven...

Custom analyzer for fulltext search in Neo4j

06 Sep 2019 by František Hartman · 4 min read Neo4j Cypher Search

We have already blogged about fulltext search available in Neo4j 3.5. The list of available analyzers covers many languages and fits various use cases. However once you expose the search to real users they will start pointing out edge cases and complain about the search not being google-like.

Scale up your D3 graph visualisation – WebGL & Canvas with PIXI.js

Scale up your D3 graph visualisation – WebGL & Canvas with PIXI.js

05 Sep 2019 by Jan Zak · 3 min read Graph Visualization Intermediate

Do you use D3 for data visualisation and either you are considering, or already using it also for graph visualisation? Keep in mind that D3 uses SVG for rendering. While it is the easiest to work with API for drawing 2D graphics on the Web, its downside is that the browser keeps the entire DOM tree of vector elements in memory, even for elements that are effectively invisible. You might hit a performance drop with complex graphics, specifically for graph visualisation when you try drawing graphs larger than ~1000 nodes, or even less with complex SVG effects.

Cypher: Using Index Hints

19 Aug 2019 by Luanne Misquitta · 4 min read Neo4j Cypher Intermediate

The Cypher query planner is quite advanced and mature, and you can mostly rely on it to pick the best plan for your query. However, there are rare cases, or bugs, that might want you looking for ways to influence that plan. This article demonstrates practical usage of an index hint.

Build your first Neo4j Desktop Graph App in vanilla Javascript

Build your first Neo4j Desktop Graph App in vanilla Javascript

25 Jul 2019 by Aldrin Misquitta · 6 min read Neo4j Beginner Engineering

Neo4j Desktop, part of the Neo4j Graph Platform, is a client application that installs on your desktop OS. It lets you get started quickly by downloading and installing the enterprise edition, and supported plugins. You can group related graphs and applications under a Project. You can also build single-page web applications that run within Neo4j Desktop and have access to these services provided by Neo4j Desktop. There are a number of apps available at