GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

GraphAware Announces Expansion into Americas

28 Nov 2018 by Kyle McNamara · 1 min read GraphAware

BOSTON, MA, Nov. 28th, 2018 – GraphAware, a leading Neo4j consulting practice, today announced the official launch of its US entity GraphAware, Inc., headquartered in Boston, MA. This strategic investment by GraphAware aligns with Neo4j’s own rapid market expansion.

Why You Should Start Thinking About Your Organization as a Graph

22 Oct 2018 by Janos Szendi-Varga · 6 min read Knowledge Graph NLP Neo4j Connected Data

Do you think there is no space for a graph database in your company? Or it would be a huge effort to integrate a graph database into your product? I have to tell you: You can use a graph database like Neo4j without touching your product, and you can use it for managing your company’s knowledge as well as to improve your software development process. So, even if your business problem is not inherently graphy, there are a few reasons why you should think about your environment as a graph.

Bring Order to Chaos: A Graph-Based Journey from Textual Data to Wisdom

26 Sep 2018 by Dr. Alessandro Negro, Dr. Vlasta Kůs · 12 min read NLP Knowledge Graph NER

Data is everywhere. News, blog posts, emails, videos and chats are just a few examples of the multiple streams of data we encounter on a daily basis. The majority of these streams contain textual data – written language – containing countless facts, observations, perspectives and insights that could make or break your business.

Caring about sentiment: how to get the most from people feelings

17 Sep 2018 by Dr. Vlasta Kůs, Dr. Alessandro Negro · 9 min read NLP Knowledge Graph

It is often useful to relate a piece of text with the sentiment expressed in it. Extracting and processing sentiments from text provides not only a new emotional access pattern to your corpus but also new knowledge which can reveal new insights. Suppose you want to build a recommendation engine which leverages reviews to spot detailed strengths and weaknesses of different hotels, such as good location but bad staff. Or, it certainly makes a difference whether an article talks about your organization in a positive or negative manner.

Deep text understanding combining Graph Models, Named Entity Recognition and Word2Vec

10 Sep 2018 by Dr. Vlasta Kůs, Dr. Alessandro Negro · 15 min read NLP NER Knowledge Graph

One of the key components of Information Extraction (IE) and Knowledge Discovery (KD) is Named Entity Recognition, which is a machine learning technique that provides us with generalization capabilities based on lexical and contextual information. Named Entities are specific language elements that belong to certain predefined categories, such as persons names, locations, organizations, chemical elements or names of space missions. They are not easy to find and subsequently classify (for example, organizations and space missions share similar formatting and sometimes even context), but having them is of significant help for various tasks: improving search capabilities relating documents among themselves or...

Advanced Document Representation

03 Sep 2018 by Dr. Vlasta Kůs, Dr. Alessandro Negro · 15 min read NLP Knowledge Graph

Representation is one of the most complex and compelling tasks in machine learning. The way in which we represent facts, events, objects, labels, etc. affects how an autonomous learning agent can analyze them and extract insights, make predictions and deliver knowledge.

Solving the bucket-filling problem with Neo4j

02 Sep 2018 by Vince Bickers · 7 min read Neo4j Cypher

IntroductionIn the bucket filling problem you are given two empty buckets, each of a certain capacity, and a large supply of water. By filling, emptying and transferring water between the two buckets, you must try to end up with a situation where one of the buckets contains a required volume of water, or where both buckets together contain the required volume.

GraphAware Audit Module

28 Feb 2018 by Eric Spiegelberg · 0 min read Neo4j

The GraphAware Audit Module seamlessly and transparently captures the full audit history who, when, and how a graph was modified.

Neo4j Causal Cluster Docker Quickstart

03 Jan 2018 by Eric Spiegelberg · 6 min read Neo4j Causal Cluster Docker SDN OGM

Enterprise IT requirements are demanding and solutions are expected to be reliable, scalable, and continuously available. Databases accomplish this through clustering, the ability of several instances to connect and conceptually appear and operate as a single unit.

Spring Boot Actuator’s Neo4jHealthIndicator

25 Nov 2017 by Eric Spiegelberg · 4 min read Neo4j Spring

Spring and Spring Boot have become the Swiss Army knife of Java software development, offering dozens of useful modules across a wide range of concerns.One such module is Spring Boot Actuator, a sub-project of Spring Boot, that offers built-in, production-grade functionality to help monitor and interact with an application. Numerous endpoints are included that provide a wealth of information that, among others, include auditing, configuration, environment, and health details.