GraphAware Blog

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Cybersecurity & Graph Technology: An Excellent Fit

24 Oct 2017 by Eric Spiegelberg · 5 min read Neo4j Security

We are becoming increasingly dependent on technology. Yet, without diligent attention paid to cybersecurity, technology is vulnerable to unauthorized access, change or even destruction. These vulnerabilities pose threats to our individual and collective safety, security and human and economic well-being.Cybersecurity is therefore a vitally important global issue with substantial consequences that depends on safe, stable, and resilient security of our data, devices, and systems.

7VORTEX: Systems Thinking Powered By Graphs

15 Oct 2017 by Miro Marchi · 9 min read Neo4j Graph Visualization Connected Data Analytics

The success of many enterprises greatly depends on their ability to gather useful information and process it in a timely manner. Automation is essential and so is presentation, giving tangible feedback, to decision makers. This is where technology reaches out to management, where science and design are combined to put the right people in the position of making better and more sustainable choices.

Efficient unsupervised keywords extraction using graphs

03 Oct 2017 by Alessandro Negro, Vlasta Kůs, Miro Marchi, Christophe Willemsen · 17 min read Neo4j NLP

Companies of any size have to manage and access huge amounts of data providing advanced services for their end-users or to handle their internal processes. The greater part of this data is usually stored in the form of text. Processing and analyzing this huge source of knowledge represents a competitive advantage, but often, even providing simple and effective access to it is a complex task, due to the unstructured nature of the textual data. This blog post will focus on a specific use case: provide effective access to a huge set of documents - later referred as a corpus -...

Bridging similarity islands in recommendation systems with Neo4j

08 Mar 2017 by Miro Marchi · 9 min read Neo4j Recommendations

Recommendation engines are a crucial element in the global trend towards a push-based web experience and away from a pull-based one. They provide the ability to personalize content offered to each user by predicting the interest the user will have in the recommended items. This is not only a powerful business tool for content providers, but also a vital improvement to the user experience. In today’s world where the volume, interdependence, variety and speed of information is overwhelming, recommendation engines can significantly reduce the gap between us and what we search for. Indeed, these engines are used even to enhance...

Using NLP + Neo4j for a Social Media Recommendation Engine

04 Oct 2016 by Alessandro Negro · 5 min read Neo4j NLP

In recent years, the rapid growth of social media communities has created a vast amount of digital documents on the web. Recommending relevant documents to users is a strategic goal for the effectiveness of customer engagement but at the same time is not a trivial problem.

Internationalization with CypherMessageSource, Spring and Neo4j

29 Sep 2016 by Eric Spiegelberg, Guest Author · 6 min read Neo4j SDN Cypher Spring

Whether you realize it or not, the software you create has a global market. Perhaps more so than any other product in any other industry,code that may start as a small, individual effort has the potential to rapidly blossom into a product used around the world.While it is not always obvious that your application can or will have such wide usage, it is in your best interest to maximizethe number of organizations and people you can reach. This means it is important to ensure your software is internationalized and localized.