GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Processing Large Sets of Nodes with Cypher

10 Dec 2015 by Christophe Willemsen · 4 min read Neo4j Cypher

Iterating over large numbers of nodes using Cypher is quite a common use case in Neo4j. Typically, the reason for doing thisis that we want to perform some kind of operation for each one of these nodes. In this blog post, we will use one millionTestNodes and try to iterate over them in order to index their contents into a freshly created Elasticsearch index.There are three approaches we can take, two of which are quite common, but the most performant technique is largely unknown.

Faster Recommendations with Neo4j 2.3 Triadic Selection

20 Oct 2015 by Alessandro Negro, Christophe Willemsen · 8 min read Neo4j Cypher Recommendations

Recently, Neo Technology announced the 2.3.0-RC1 release of their Neo4j graph database. One of the key new features is TriadicSelection built into Cypher’s Cost Based Planner. In this blog post, we will explore the Triadic Selection in detailand demonstrate how significantly it can speed up recommendations computed in Neo4j.

Recommendations with Neo4j and Graph-Aided Search

30 Sep 2015 by Michal Bachman · 4 min read Neo4j Recommendations Search Elasticsearch

For the last couple of years, Neo4j has been increasingly popular as the technology of choice for people building real-time recommendation engines. Having been at the forefront of the graph movement through clientengagements and open-source software development, we have identified the next step in the natural evolution of graph-based recommendationengines. We call it Graph-Aided Search.

Object Models and Spring Data Neo4j 4

03 Sep 2015 by Luanne Misquitta · 10 min read Neo4j Spring SDN OGM

Drawing a graph on a whiteboard is easy and fun! Translating that graph into an object model can sometimes result in questions such as “do I have to define relationships in both participating node entities?”or “which end of the relationship should I save?”.

Integration Testing Against Remote Neo4j

20 Aug 2015 by Adam George · 3 min read Neo4j Advanced

Writing integration tests for your code that runs against Neo4j is simple enough when using the native API, but there’snot a great deal of help out there if you’re working in client-server mode. Making assertions about the shape of thegraph can also be difficult, particularly if use cases involve more than a few nodes and relationships.

Cypher: Variable Length Relationships by Example

Cypher: Variable Length Relationships by Example

19 May 2015 by Christophe Willemsen, Michal Bachman · 4 min read Neo4j Cypher

In this blog post, we’ll demonstrate how to use variable length relationships (sometimes called “variable length paths”)in Cypher using examples. We will also see when zero length relationships can be useful.

Announcing Spring Data Neo4j 4.0

24 Mar 2015 by Vince Bickers · 3 min read Neo4j Spring SDN Beginner

Over the last few months, GraphAware, Neo4j, and Pivotal engineers have been workingon a ground-up reimplementation of Spring Data Neo4j (SDN) that is server-first and Cypher-centric. Today we are veryexcited to announce the first milestone of the new Spring Data project for Neo4j.

Using the Neo4j Shell with Embedded Neo4j

10 Feb 2015 by Luanne Misquitta · 1 min read Neo4j Intermediate

Our earlier blog posttalked about using the Neo4j web browser along with embedded Neo4j.The WrappingNeoServerBootstrapper which was employed to do this has been deprecated for a while and it raises questionsabout the alternative.