GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Neo4j Unit Testing with GraphUnit

16 Jun 2014 by Luanne Misquitta · 0 min read

Testing the state of an Embedded Neo4j database is now much easier if you use GraphUnit, a component of the GraphAware Neo4j Framework.

GraphUnit: Testing Neo4j Code

29 May 2014 by Michal Bachman · 0 min read

Recently, we announced the GraphAware Framework. Today, I would like to introduce its first feature called GraphUnit. GraphUnit is a component that helps Java developers unit test their code that talks to Neo4j and mutates data.

Introducing GraphAware Neo4j Framework

28 May 2014 by Michal Bachman · 0 min read

In this short blog post, I would like to introduce the GraphAware Neo4j Framework.Its goal is very ambitious: we’d like to make it as useful for Neo4j developers, as the Spring Framework is for Java developers. The Framework aims at speeding up development with Neo4j by providing a platform for building useful generic aswell as domain-specific functionality, analytical capabilities, graph algorithms, and more.

Modelling Data in Neo4j: Bidirectional Relationships

Modelling Data in Neo4j: Bidirectional Relationships

11 Oct 2013 by Michal Bachman · 2 min read Neo4j Modelling Beginner

Transitioning from the relational world to the beautiful world of graphs requires a shift in thinking about data. Althoughgraphs are often much more intuitive than tables, there are certain mistakes peopletend to make when modelling their data as a graph for the first time. In this article, we look at one common sourceof confusion: bidirectional relationships.

Towards OLAP in Graph Databases (MSc. Thesis)

02 Oct 2013 by Michal Bachman · 2 min read Neo4j Analytics Advanced

I have just finished a year-long MSc. program in Computing at Imperial College London. My thesis was called GraphAware:Towards Online Analytical Processing in Graph Databases, which you can freely download. It’s not an easy, cover-to-coverread, but there might be some interesting parts, even if you don’t go through all the (over 100) pages.