GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

LLMs for Knowledge Graph 1: Text to a Knowledge Graph at Warp Speed

LLMs for Knowledge Graph 1: Text to a Knowledge Graph at Warp Speed

27 Sep 2023 by Vlasta Kůs · 17 min read Hume Law Enforcement NLP LLMs for Knowledge Graph

Welcome to our LLMs and Knowledge Graphs Series. In this collection of blogs, we embark on a journey at the intersection of cutting-edge large language models and graph-based intelligence. Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist, a curious developer, or a business leader seeking actionable insights, this series promises to demystify the synergy between LLMs and knowledge graphs.

What’s new in Hume 2.20?

What’s new in Hume 2.20?

11 Sep 2023 by Danica Stankovic · 4 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.20. This release introduces new features for Hume Core and Orchestra. Hume 2.20 introduces new features in Actions, improvements for Advanced Expand, and more.

Hume & Knowledge Graphs Streamline Tax Office Investigations

Hume & Knowledge Graphs Streamline Tax Office Investigations

18 Jul 2023 by Pantelis Krasadakis · 5 min read Hume Knowledge Graph Finance

Tax fraud poses a significant challenge for governments and organisations worldwide, resulting in revenue loss, economic instability, and erosion of public trust. Traditional methods of combating tax fraud often fall short due to fraudulent schemes’ complex and constantly evolving nature. These schemes often involve complex networks of entities, transactions, and false documentation, which Relational databases struggle to handle.

Exploring the Limits of Graph Technology - Insights from a Chief Scientist

Exploring the Limits of Graph Technology - Insights from a Chief Scientist

27 Jun 2023 by Dr. Alessandro Negro · 3 min read Knowledge Graph business

As the Chief Scientist at GraphAware, I have the privilege of working at the forefront of two exciting and rapidly evolving fields: graph technology and machine learning. These technologies have seen remarkable progress in recent years, and I am excited to share with you some of the latest developments and breakthroughs that are transforming the way we think about data and its potential.

What’s new in Hume 2.19?

What’s new in Hume 2.19?

20 Jun 2023 by Danica Stankovic · 3 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.19. This release introduces new features for Hume Core and Orchestra. Hume 2.19 focuses on enabling big schema usage and introduces new capabilities for advanced pattern search.

What’s new in Hume 2.18?

What’s new in Hume 2.18?

18 Apr 2023 by Danica Stankovic · 4 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.18. This release introduces new features for Hume Core, Annotate and Orchestra. Hume 2.18 builds on features such as Graph Editing and Hume Filters which were introduced in Hume version 2.17.

Solving Crimes with Geospatial and Temporal Analysis in Hume

Solving Crimes with Geospatial and Temporal Analysis in Hume

28 Feb 2023 by Sanne Hendriks · 4 min read Hume GraphAware Law Enforcement Criminal Intelligence

As an analyst, you play a crucial role in solving crimes. Harnessing the power of graphs and the many features of GraphAware Hume can help stop criminals and bring justice to their victims. With the increasing advancements in technology, it is now easier than ever to track suspects and gather evidence that can aid in an investigation. One of the most powerful tools available to you is the capability of performing geospatial and temporal analysis.