GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

What’s new in Hume 2.14?

What’s new in Hume 2.14?

26 Jul 2022 by Danica Stankovic & Dimitrios Stamatis · 4 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the release of Hume version 2.14. This release introduces the first iteration of the new federated search functionality and the Hume API. We also made various improvements to Hume Orchestra and Visualisations.

Understanding graph visualisation

Understanding graph visualisation

30 Jun 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 5 min read business Beginner Knowledge Graph

Graph visualisation is just what it sounds like - a visual representation of your data as a graph. A graph is a structure of objects that are connected. Thus graph visualisation is the visualisation of entities (nodes), and relationships among them.

Application state as a graph

Application state as a graph

19 Jun 2022 by Jiri Palas · 3 min read Engineering

With today’s blog, we will dive a little bit into front-end application development. When creating complex applications, as we do in GraphAware, we need to handle large and complicated application states to present our users with correct user interfaces. Making application state predictable and explainable is one of the key challenges for the successful agile frontend development team. As we often like to point out, graphs are proving to be a successful solution to many existing problems. So, could we learn from graphs to handle application state in a more predictable manner?

Session-based recommendations with Graphs

Session-based recommendations with Graphs

14 Jun 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 6 min read Beginner business Recommendations

Graph-Powered Machine Learning has already introduced us to content-based recommendations and collaborative filtering. These are the two most used approaches to providing recommendations. However, they both need information about the users to do so. What if you do not have user information? That’s where session-based recommendations come in.

Intro to collaborative filtering

Intro to collaborative filtering

12 May 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 7 min read Beginner business Recommendations

Welcome back to the Graph-Powered Machine Learning book club. Now we are in the section of the book that focuses on recommendations. In the last blog, I summed up how content-based recommendations work. In the fifth chapter, the author Alessandro Negro introduces us to collaborative filtering.

What are content-based recommendations?

What are content-based recommendations?

19 Apr 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 7 min read Beginner business Recommendations

So far, the Graph-Powered Machine Learning book has introduced us to graphs and machine learning. The second part of the book talks about recommendations. Recommender systems (RS) gather information about users and items and provide item suggestions, bringing great value to online stores - clothing stores, bookstores, you name it. Companies like Netflix base their entire businesses on high performing recommender systems.