Spring and Spring Boot have become the Swiss Army knife of Java software development, offering dozens of useful modules across a wide range of concerns.One such module is Spring Boot Actuator, a sub-project of Spring Boot, that offers built-in, production-grade functionality to help monitor and interact with an application. Numerous endpoints are included that provide a wealth of information that, among others, include auditing, configuration, environment, and health details.
Previous articleshave shown you how easy using Spring with Neo4j can be. Now the next release of Spring Data Neo4j (SDN), we are going to make this even easier!
Whether you realize it or not, the software you create has a global market. Perhaps more so than any other product in any other industry,code that may start as a small, individual effort has the potential to rapidly blossom into a product used around the world.While it is not always obvious that your application can or will have such wide usage, it is in your best interest to maximizethe number of organizations and people you can reach. This means it is important to ensure your software is internationalized and localized.
Spring Data Neo4j 4.1 introduces the ability to map nodes and relationships returned by custom Cypher queries to domain entities. This blog post will explain how different types of query results map to entities.
Our previous article demonstrated how easy it was to build an application using Spring Data Neo4j 4.
This guide (first published on Airpair) will get you up and running with Spring Data Neo4j 4 in under an hour.
Drawing a graph on a whiteboard is easy and fun! Translating that graph into an object model can sometimes result in questions such as “do I have to define relationships in both participating node entities?”or “which end of the relationship should I save?”.
Over the last few months, GraphAware, Neo4j, and Pivotal engineers have been workingon a ground-up reimplementation of Spring Data Neo4j (SDN) that is server-first and Cypher-centric. Today we are veryexcited to announce the first milestone of the new Spring Data project for Neo4j.