What’s new in Hume 2.13: More options in the visual query builder, enhanced alerting, and much more!

May 27, 2022 · 5 min read

We are proud to announce the 2.13 release of Hume. Advanced Expand has been extended to include much more functionality, so you build a large variety of queries visually. We also boosted the capabilities of Alerts.

A new version of the Generic http Enricher lets you fine-tune message enrichment.

And as usual, we added a lot of smaller features and improvements.

In Hume 2.13 you can:

  • Build complex queries visually with Advanced Expand.
  • Reuse the same query for actions, patterns, etc.
  • Tailor the availability of Actions per Alerting pattern.
  • Create Alerts for existing data.
  • Use the Generic Enricher V2.

Build advanced queries visually

With 2.13 we enhanced the capabilities of Advanced Expand: it is now possible to build a query directly from the schema overview. This lets you explore a data set that you do not have much knowledge about and enables you to hit the ground running: no need to search for specific entities before you start your exploration. All you need to do is select a class. Build the query from there and explore the whole data set.

Additionally, you can now add complex filters on top of the query to refine the results.

Often, you will want to explore data without defining the direction of each relationship. Advanced Expand now lets you use non-directional links.

Once you have built a query visually, you might want to continue to use it, for example, in an action or in an alert pattern. Advanced Expand now lets you see the Cypher query and copy it. From there, you can reuse it wherever you see fit.

This video shows how Advanced Expand is used to explore the graph from the schema view, including a non-directional relationship. The query is reopened and the Cypher query is copied for later usage.

Tailor the availability of Actions for Alert patterns

Hume Alerting detects events that fit a defined pattern. Once the event is found, you want to visualise it as a graph and explore it. In order to speed up the exploration, you can run an action directly upon expanding the event in the visualisation. It is now possible to fine-tune the availability of actions per pattern. This way, you can fine-tune which actions are visible per alerting event. You will be able to process events faster and conduct focused analysis directly upon opening the event in the visualisation.

Alerting in Hume has been focused on detecting new events when data changes. With 2.13 we introduce the capability to run patterns against an existing dataset and return events that are detected in this data.

In this video, you can see how an action is assigned to a pattern that is executed against existing data, and how an event that was detected by this pattern can be expanded to the visualisation and directly run the action.

Orchestra – easier configuration & troubleshooting

One of the most used components in Orchestra is the Generic (http) Enricher. With this release, you will find a new version of the component: Generic (http) Enricher V2. It has been improved in several ways. You now have more control over what is sent in a message, plus the UI has been overhauled for a better user experience.

It now also features a retry option that lets you define how often a call should be retried in case of a connection issue before you are notified about an error.

Data Orchestration underlies security policies. It is now easier to ensure security: The variables for password protection that are defined in Hume Ecosystem can now be used directly in Orchestra.

Once workflows are configured and running, you want to know if any issues appear in a specific workflow. Now you can see from the list of all workflows which ones are running, how many messages were sent, and when the latest message was processed. You can detect issues faster and take action directly.

Further improvements

Each release comes with improvements, bug fixes, and minor updates along with major changes. Some of these include:

  • Zoom to selection. With a lot of data in the visualisation, you need a quick way to zoom in to nodes of interest. With this new feature, you select the nodes and zoom in seamlessly.
  • Disable double click. Double click on a node can be configured to trigger different behaviours. There is now the option to disable it fully.
  • Trigger component in Orchestra. The new component can be used as a single one-off workflow start button. It can be used instead of the Timer Component at the beginning of the workflow configuration for this purpose.
  • Captions of keywords can now be surfaced in styles. You can create a custom style where the caption of the keyword is in the value node attribute.

We held a release webinar in which we went through all the new features of Hume 2.13. You can now watch the webinar here:

Supercharge Hume’s UX

As part of Hume’s development, we constantly want to evaluate new features and ideas with users. If you are interested in joining a usability test and evaluating what we are working on, please email me.

Further sources of knowledge

If you’re interested in learning more about how Hume delivers high value solutions, these resources give an overview of the range of possibilities.

Read how we built a prototype of Graph-based Image Recognition in Hume and you’ll understand the true potential of graphs.

Read our blog about GDS at scale with Neo4j clusters and Hume to get a taste of the role Graph Data Science plays in businesses nowadays.

Or find out how you can Optimise Logistics Chains with Graphs and Hume!

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