GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Discovering the power of Actions

Discovering the power of Actions

13 Jan 2022 by Esther Bergmark · 5 min read Hume

About a year ago, I first logged into Hume - in the morning, I had started my new job at GraphAware, and a few hours later, I had a canvas in front of me with a few person nodes connected by relationships. Hume Visualisation. The graph: a murder mystery. Me: a newbie, never typed a line of code in any query language.

What you need to know before you choose microservices - part 2

What you need to know before you choose microservices - part 2

16 Dec 2021 by Zsolt Katona · 8 min read Engineering

“Alright, could you please tell us a few benefits and drawbacks of working with microservices?” - starts the usual tech interview question, and the traditional answer often follows: “They’re smaller; therefore, they’re easier to develop and to troubleshoot. There’s better scaling control on parts of the system. They can be written in different programming languages. They can be deployed individually.”

Hume for Fraud Detection webinar highlights

Hume for Fraud Detection webinar highlights

08 Dec 2021 by Alexandra Klacanova · 2 min read Hume Events Finance

Just a couple of days ago, we hosted a Fraud Detection webinar. We chose to focus on credit card fraud to illustrate how Hume can help detect fraud faster. Our Director of Product, Esther Bergmark walked you through an example of a credit card company investigator looking into suspicious, fraudulent developments. Let me share what we covered at the webinar.

7 things we learned from Graph-Powered Machine Learning - ch. 1

7 things we learned from Graph-Powered Machine Learning - ch. 1

03 Nov 2021 by Alexandra Klacanova · 6 min read Beginner business

As you know, our Chief Scientist, Dr. Alessandro Negro, recently published a book titled Graph-Powered Machine Learning. We are very proud of the Chief, and very excited about the book. We're even planning an event, where you'll be able to ask Alessandro anything about it!But what is really in the book? Let me share what the first chapter is about so you know what you're in for - a treat! The book opens with an introduction to Machine Learning and Graphs. The first chapter covers Machine Learning, some of the challenges of Machine Learning, Graphs, and the role Graphs play...

5 things you should know about Knowledge Graphs

5 things you should know about Knowledge Graphs

14 Oct 2021 by Alexandra Klacanova · 9 min read Knowledge Graph Beginner Hume business

Welcome to the first blog in the business series of GraphAware blog! This series is designed for us non-techies out there. Personally, I was shocked when I found out how big and common knowledge graphs are and how often graph databases are used in today's world - and I had first heard of them just a couple of months ago. So, for people like me, for marketers and non-tech people in business, I'll try to open the door to the world of graphs, and their potential and take you through it step-by-step. It seems only appropriate that we start with...

What you need to know before you choose microservices

What you need to know before you choose microservices

29 Sep 2021 by Zsolt Katona · 5 min read Engineering

“Alright, could you please tell us a few benefits and drawbacks of working with microservices?” - starts the usual tech interview question, and the traditional answer often follows: “They’re smaller; therefore, they’re easier to develop and to troubleshoot. There’s better scaling control on parts of the system. They can be written in different programming languages. They can be deployed individually.”