GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Graph Specialised Anthropology

Graph Specialised Anthropology

10 Nov 2020 by Dr. Miro Marchi · 7 min read GraphAware

Few years ago I met Michal Bachman and some other GraphAware heroes at GraphConnect in San Francisco. In those days I also had my job interview for the company. Surprisingly, for the first time since I started my journey in IT, I didn’t find myself explaining how I could be useful despite not having a strong background in engineering and software development. On the contrary, Michal was interested in all the things I could do because of my non-traditional curriculum, with a PhD in Cultural Anthropology, some experience in JavaScript graph visualisation, and a genuine passion for networks and graphs....

Practical Applications of Neo4j 4.0

Practical Applications of Neo4j 4.0

16 May 2020 by Michal Bachman, Miro Marchi · 13 min read Neo4j

GraphTour Europe 2020 started in Amsterdam on February 4, right after the release of Neo4j 4.0, a key milestone in the graph technology landscape. At GraphAware we are very excited about the new features included in this release because they revolutionize the way we approach some common graph challenges. Our CEO, Michal Bachman spoke about this in Amsterdam in his talk “Practical Applications of Neo4j 4.0”, and he and other GraphAware experts continue to present in each of the six cities where we sponsor GraphTour. Find out what’s the next virtual event and register for free.

Hume in Space: Monitoring Satellite Technology Markets with a ML-powered Knowledge Graph

Hume in Space: Monitoring Satellite Technology Markets with a ML-powered Knowledge Graph

15 Apr 2020 by Vlasta Kůs · 10 min read NLP Knowledge Graph NER Hume

Everyone has a passion for something. Be it music, politics, sports, coffee or … pancakes. Such passion makes you strive for new information, for understanding of the current trends. Take pancakes: you might watch for new recipes on your favourite website, you might look at cooking shows or youtube videos to get more inspiration about how to serve them … but overall, you can probably handle this pretty well. It’s not like there is much room for revolutionising the pancake recipe.

Contact Tracing Using GraphAware Hume (COVID-19)

Contact Tracing Using GraphAware Hume (COVID-19)

01 Apr 2020 by Michal Bachman · 1 min read Neo4j GraphAware Hume

GraphAware Hume helps governments in keeping their countries safe. In this 15-minute video, we demonstrate the use of Hume for contact tracing and smart quarantine in the context of the current coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, we will see how Hume can identify people at risk using actual and potential contact tracing, suggest who should be informed or quarantined, visually explain why someone is at risk, find quarantine offenders, and much more.

Neo4j 4: Drivers and Authorization

Neo4j 4: Drivers and Authorization

28 Feb 2020 by Michal Trnka, Luanne Misquitta · 3 min read Neo4j

Neo4j 4.0 has just been released with a key feature: graph and sub-graph access control. Access to certain labels or relationship types or properties can now be handled at the database level, resulting in developers not having to deal with complex security logic in their code, and also providing a more consistent and performant solution.

Graph Technology Landscape 2020

Graph Technology Landscape 2020

17 Feb 2020 by Janos Szendi-Varga · 6 min read Neo4j GraphAware

It’s been a year since I published the Graph Technology Landscape 2019 post on GraphAware’s blog. I consider this a success story because it got a lot of attention and publicity. The landscape was mentioned many times at different places; it was used by Emil Eifrem in his GraphTour and GraphConnect opening keynotes, it was displayed in conference halls, and I received many, many useful comments and feedback. I was even invited to Rik van Bruggen Graphistania Podcast to talk about it, and the episode was referred to in the Top 5 Neo4j Podcasts of 2019 blog posts as well....