GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Knowledge Graph Perspectives: building bridges from RDF to LPG

Knowledge Graph Perspectives: building bridges from RDF to LPG

23 Sep 2021 by Giuseppe Futia · 8 min read Knowledge Graph Hume

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have become one of the most powerful tools for modeling the relations between entities in various fields, from biotech to e-commerce, from intelligence and law enforcement to fintech. Starting from the first version proposed by Google in 2012, the capabilities of modern KGs have been employed across diverse applications, including search engines, chatbots, and recommendation systems.

How does graph-based recommendation work

How does graph-based recommendation work

18 Aug 2021 by Alexandra Klacanova · 4 min read Hume Recommendations

Not so long ago, our very own Luanne gave an amazing talk titled Maltaware: Discovering what to drink with Neo4j on Nodes2020. Luanne demonstrated the value of graphs, and why they are the perfect fit for recommendation engines with an example of a whisky recommendation engine. Let me quickly walk you through a summary of why graphs and recommendation engines go together so well.

What’s life like at GraphAware? Here’s everything you need to know

What’s life like at GraphAware? Here’s everything you need to know

12 Aug 2021 by Veronika Srncova · 6 min read GraphAware Hume People Experience

GraphAware is now going through an extremely exciting phase. In 2020, we launched our own amazing product Hume, the only graph-powered insights engine in the world, which helps companies shed light on their complex data and make smart decisions. Since then, we have been rapidly growing in all aspects. Our ambitious plans will need plenty of talented people, who want to have a direct impact on a company’s success. Right now, we are already advertising for multiple vacancies, and the number will only grow in the coming months (check out our career page if you are already intrigued).

Neo4j’s funding validates Hume market

Neo4j’s funding validates Hume market

24 Jun 2021 by Michal Bachman · 1 min read Hume Neo4j

When we started our journey with Neo4j over ten years ago, we were just a bunch of passionate techies trying to convince the world about the power of graphs. We were blogging, running meetups, writing open-source code, speaking at conferences, trying to preach graphs to a like-minded crowd.

From GraphAware Framework to GraphAware Hume

From GraphAware Framework to GraphAware Hume

06 May 2021 by Michal Bachman · 8 min read Hume GraphAware Neo4j

It has been over 8 years since I’ve written the first lines of code for the GraphAware Neo4j Framework as part of my MSc. thesis. That’s when the name GraphAware, as well as the (then) one-man show Neo4j consulting company was born. It is therefore my bittersweet duty to take you on a small trip down the memory laneand announce that we have decided to discontinue the development and support of the Framework and all of its modules.