GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Optimise Logistics Chains with Graphs and Hume

Optimise Logistics Chains with Graphs and Hume

14 Apr 2022 by Federica Ventruto · 11 min read Hume

Everyone has a favourite grocery shop they usually go to, maybe the shop close to home, the one with the most competitive prices, the freshest fruit, or simply the best cake. Similarly, everyone may be inclined to buy from one particular e-commerce platform rather than another.

Communities at GraphAware

Communities at GraphAware

17 Mar 2022 by Luanne Misquitta · 4 min read Engineering

Knowledge sharing has always been extremely important for Engineering at GraphAware.Whether it is techniques, tools or technology, lessons learned from our consulting engagements, or experience in general,sharing sparks conversation, creativity and discovery of different or better ways to do things.

AML webinar highlights

AML webinar highlights

15 Mar 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 2 min read Hume Events GraphAware

Last week we at GraphAware hosted yet another webinar. This time we talked about Money Laundering and how Hume can help you detect money laundering activities. Don’t worry if you missed it; here is your summary of what we covered.

Big data basics

Big data basics

24 Feb 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 8 min read Beginner business

Welcome back to the Graph-Powered Machine Learning book club. As you know by now, Graph-Powered Machine Learning is a book written by our very own Dr. Alessandro Negro. The book is a must-read for all data scientists, but it’s also a great read for everyone interested in graphs. In this blog series, I summarise the key points of each chapter and provide some more explanations useful for us less technically savvy. We learned the basics about machine learning, graphs, and why the two are a great fit in the first chapter.

SQL vs NoSQL: Newbie guide to databases

SQL vs NoSQL: Newbie guide to databases

15 Feb 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 3 min read Beginner business

There are a multitude of databases to choose from when deciding how to store your data. They differ in complexity, scalability, data modelling possibilities they offer, and application. Let’s walk through some of the most popular databases and their differences.

Building & exploring a music knowledge graph

Building & exploring a music knowledge graph

02 Feb 2022 by Federica Ventruto, Grzegorz Aniol · 17 min read GraphAware Knowledge Graph Hume Engineering

It is always a valuable opportunity to understand our product better and recognize user needs. At GraphAware, building Hume, a graph-powered insight engine, we are proud of making an impact on our customers’ success. However, we use Hume also to support our processes and help our own needs. In the case of the event that took place throughout December, we were also able to have great fun and integrate the team.

Hume 2.11 webinar highlights

Hume 2.11 webinar highlights

31 Jan 2022 by Alexandra Klacanova · 2 min read Hume Event GraphAware

Last week, I had the pleasure of hosting a webinar with our Director of Product, Esther Bergmark, and our CTO, Christophe Willemsen. This webinar introduced our new release Hume 2.11, so we covered the most exciting features of the release, including no-code graph navigation, custom visibility of Actions in Perspectives, and Perspective API. The 2.11 version comes with more updates and advancements such as Configuration as Code and ​​Polygons in Geospatial Analysis - about which you can read in our release blog.

What’s new in Hume 2.11: No-code graph navigation, tailored Action access, Configuration-as-Code, a GraphQL API and much more!

What’s new in Hume 2.11: No-code graph navigation, tailored Action access, Configuration-as-Code, a GraphQL API and much more!

20 Jan 2022 by Esther Bergmark · 3 min read Hume GraphAware

We are proud to announce the 2.11 release of Hume. Advanced Expand is introduced to Hume with this release, which lets users create complex queries to navigate the graph without using Cypher. Additionally, the visibility of Actions can now be defined per Perspectives, enabling a tailored exploration experience; a GraphQL API exposes data from Perspectives so that other apps can leverage the power of Hume. And finally, Configuration-as-Code allows administrators to manage Hume configuration files in a repository.