GraphAware Blog

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

GraphAware Announces Hume Platform R&D Center

23 Jul 2019 by Kyle McNamara · 1 min read GraphAware Hume

BOSTON, July 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ – GraphAware, a leading Neo4j ISV and consulting practice, today announced the official launch of its Italian Research and Development entity Graph Aware S.r.l., headquartered in Lecce, Italy.This strategic investment by GraphAware represents a significant expansion as an ISV, with a fast growing development team of thought-leaders in GraphDBs with Neo4j, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).Led by Chief Scientist Alessandro Negro and CTO Christophe Willemsen, the Lecce R&D center is the main lab and development center for GraphAware’s flagship software platform Hume- with a dedicated local and remote development...

Monitoring Neo4j and Procedures with Prometheus and Grafana - Part 2

Monitoring Neo4j and Procedures with Prometheus and Grafana - Part 2

14 Jun 2019 by Miro Marchi · 20 min read Neo4j Monitoring Causal Cluster

This is the second of a two post series on monitoring the Neo4j graph database with popular enterprise solutions such as Prometheus and Grafana. Monitoring the status and performance of connected data processes is a crucial aspect of deploying graph based applications. In Part 1 we have seen how to expose the graph database internals and custom metrics to Prometheus, where they are stored as multi-dimensional time series.

Avoid cycles in Cypher queries

Avoid cycles in Cypher queries

26 Apr 2019 by Jan Zak · 3 min read Neo4j Beginner Cypher

There is one common performance issue our clients run into when trying their first Cypher queries on a dataset in Neo4j. When writing a query, be sure that it doesn’t match any cycles, or you can experience unpleasant surprises.

Graph-assisted Typescript refactoring

Graph-assisted Typescript refactoring

09 Mar 2019 by Roberto Previdi · 14 min read Neo4j Engineering

When developing web applications with frameworks like Vue.js the best approach is to subdivide it into well-defined and reusable components for the user interface, with the business logic being encapsulated in ‘services’.

Lean Dependencies- Reduce Project Delivery Chaos with Graphs

Lean Dependencies- Reduce Project Delivery Chaos with Graphs

20 Feb 2019 by Luanne Misquitta · 6 min read Neo4j Beginner

Dependencies, like graphs, are everywhere. Achieving a goal is rarely possible in a vacuum and requires collaboration between individuals and/or processes.Eliminating dependencies completely is unrealistic- they are a part of life- but they can be streamlined to improve efficiency and reduce friction.

Graph Technology Landscape 2019

Graph Technology Landscape 2019

01 Feb 2019 by Janos Szendi-Varga · 8 min read Neo4j GraphAware

Few years ago I decided that one day I would create a Graph Technology Landscape map, which would be useful for everyone who wants to discover the players around graph technologies. I started to collect the companies and products, but my research has never manifested into a proper blog post. Till now. I am happy to announce, that the first version of my landscape is published, I hope we can consider this as a start of a long journey.

Speaker identification meets graphs

Speaker identification meets graphs

28 Jan 2019 by Jan Zak · 7 min read Analytics Connected Data

In social network analysis, a conventional approach relies heavily on available metadata, allowing to match a virtual entity (social network account) to a real-world entity (person, company) in the network. However, a single person using multiple accounts for any reason obviously breaks the connection, forming multiple virtual entities in the network. Or multiple people can share their account, forming a single virtual entity in the network. If these cases are not taken into account, they can affect reliability of social network analysis significantly without any warning, possibly leading to misinformed decisions and further bad consequences.